Feeling challenged by something in your life?
can't let go of the past
unable to look forward to the future
feeling anxious
not sleeping well
need to speak with someone outside your immediate social circle
A safe, supportive environment to share your problem
Techniques to help let go, release tension and feel calm
Look forward with hope and joy
I understand how heavy it feels to carry a problem alone, when you feel you can’t turn to family or friends for support.
As an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker I offer a safe space and compassionate environment for adults who’ve struggled with domestic violence, sexual assault, life & health changes, grief and loss, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship problems and many other mental health concerns.
I have over 30 years of experience supporting and guiding people through difficult times. I work with them to understand what’s causing their distress and together we develop healthy coping mechanisms. I listen without judgment, draw on past experience and provide a range of techniques to help you live full of hope for the future.
With over 30 years of experience as a social worker and counsellor I’m often asked similar questions as people assess whether working with a Counsellor is the best way of dealing with a particular challenge they're facing.
In this short video I answer questions like: how a counselling session runs, who I assist, the range of challenges I can help with, and how to get in touch or book a counselling appointment with me.
The same information is shared below as frequently asked questions.
People often choose counselling to navigate a challenge they’re facing. Counselling offers a confidential space where you can freely discuss the complexities of life, with someone outside your immediate social circle.
I offer vast experience, compassion and effective counselling skills to support all your emotional needs.
A counselling session runs for approximately 60 minutes and we begin with a discussion to establish what your concerns, goals and objectives of undertaking counselling are. Then therapeutically and safely, we work together toward achieving them.
The hardest part is often making, and turning up to that first appointment.
People often tell me they were a bit concerned about coming to their first session, but after we’ve finished, they're usually very keen to make a return booking.
I work with a variety of people including:
• adults 18 years and over
• men and women
• those who are gender diverse, non-binary and part of the LGBTQIA+ community
• those with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people
• people with disabilities
• older people
I'm an accredited mental health social worker and have over 30 years of experience working with a diverse range of people. I draw on experience and use a wide range of different techniques to help you navigate challenges.
A lot of the problems I help with have an underlying cause of trauma. This could be a significant trauma, a traumatic event or multiple traumatic events that have happened over time.
Some of the types of issues I can help you with (but there are many more):
• relationships
• depression
• anxiety
• suicidal ideation
• grief and loss
I also do a lot of work around change. When there's a significant change in your life it can cause a crisis.
Change can be created by:
• relationships ending
• loss of loved ones
• losing a job
• marriage break ups
• death of someone close to you
There are many other things that can happen that cause change, and I'm happy to support you through any of them.
A standard counselling session is $160 per hour, and if you are an eligible Concession holder the rate is $120 per hour. However the amount you pay out of pocket can vary depending on individual circumstances.
As an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker with a Medicare Provider number eligible people will be able to claim a Medicare rebate and reduce out of pocket costs.
You might also be eligible to see me as part of a Mental Health Treatment Plan (speak with your GP) or you may be able to submit a claim with your private health insurance provider (speak with your provider).
I charge a $50 booking deposit to secure your counselling appointment. If you are booking a Concession appointment, you will be required to provide the healthcare card number when you pay your booking deposit.
Note 1:
The remaining balance owing for your session will be calculated and processed at the conclusion of your counselling appointment.
No. You can book a Counselling appointment without a referral from a GP.
However, if you want to claim a Medicare rebate, or see me as part of a Mental Health Treatment Plan (which will reduce your costs), I must receive a copy of your Plan before you attend your appointment.
If I do not receive this documentation from your GP before your appointment, you may not be able to claim a rebate from Medicare.
I offer counselling appointments in person in Mackay, Queensland or Online via Telehealth and Zoom.
Feel free to reach out via email: anne@drannebutcher.com if you have any questions.
You can also book a Counselling appointment in person at my office in Mackay, or a remote appointment by clicking the button below.
4 MacAlister St,
Mackay QLD 4740, Australia
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